Thursday, March 28, 2019

5 Great Tips on How to Choose a New Central Air System 

Choosing a new central air system can seem daunting. There is so much to consider when it comes to the temperature, air quality, and comfort of your home. This quick guide will help you make an educated decision on what kind of central air system is best for your home.

1. Choose the right brand.

You may be wondering what brand is the best, and the truth is that most brands are perfectly fine. However, we recommend you stick to the familiar once like: Rheem, Lennox, Carrier, Bryant, Trane, Amana, Ruud, and Payne. The reason familiar brands are a good option is because all technicians will know how to repair them and can easily find parts from nearby suppliers. All top manufacturers also sell through contractors, allowing you to buy a great brand for a great deal!

2. Decide if you need to focus more on cooling or heating.

Cooling is measured by SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficient Ratio) and heating is measured by AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency). If you live in a cooler climate, you will want a highly efficient AFUE rating (between 90 and 97) and a basic 12 SEER cooling condenser. Make sure  you are aware of AFUE and SEER ratings before you make a purchase! If you are confused, ask a professional.

3. Know the right condenser size for you.

Each company has special lines of products that come in a variety of sizes. Before you buy your condenser, ask for the exact measurements. Condensers can be much more monstrous in size than you think. TO avoid having an eyesore in your backyard, verify with your contractor exactly how much space your new condenser will take up.

4. Ask about noise levels.

Some condensers can be very loud and may end up disturbing the inhabitants of any home. To avoid having to endure annoying noise from your condenser, ask your technician how quiet your unit will be while it’s operating. You can also read reviews on different units to get a better idea of the noise level.

5. Choose the systems that qualify for rebates!

Utility companies often give rebates for specific units. Be savvy when you search for the right central air system fro your home and you could end up saving big!
Now that  you’re all the wiser, shop our best deals today and find a unit that is right for your home!

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